아트부산 2017
벡스코 제1전시관
2017. 06. 01 ~ 2017. 06. 05.
안두진 AHN Doo-Jin, 닮은 것과 닮은 꼴 Twins of nature and figures, 140x300cm, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 2016
안두진 AHN Doo-Jin, 오렌지 스톤 Orange stone, 140x130cm, Oil and acrylic on canvas, 2016
정광호 CHEONG Kwang-Ho, The Flower 89205, 205x205x10cm, Copper wire, 2008
정광호 CHEONG Kwang-Ho, The Pot 13272, 72x72x70cm, Copper wire, 2013
김동유 KIM Dong-Yoo, Marilyn Monroe (John F. Kennedy), 53x45.5 cm, Oil on canvas, 2016
김동유 KIM Dong-Yoo, Marilyn Monroe (John F. Kennedy), 72.7x60.5cm, Oil on canvas, 2016
김창열 KIM Tschang-Yeul, Recurrence, 53x72.0cm, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 2014
김창열 KIM Tschang-Yeul, Recurrence, 60.6x72.8cm, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 2015
이이남 LEE Leenam, 다시 태어나는 빛 - 자개 2016 (Reborn Light - Mother of Pearl 2016), 130x77x13cm (9min 15sec), LED TV Video, 2016
이이남 LEE Leenam, 아사천에 매화 꽃이 피었네 Blooming ume flower on Assa cloth, 81x60x7cm (4min 30sec), LED TV Video, 2013
박승훈 PARK Seunghoon, #256 Montmartre 2, 120x150cm (ed 1-5), Digital C Print, 2016
박승훈 PARK Seunghoon, #251 Shakespeare & Company, 120x150cm (ed 1-5), Digital C Print, 2016
이환권 YI Hwan-Kwon, Ju-Ha, H133xx26x16cm, F.R.P Acrylic Hand Painted, 2013
이환권 YI Hwan-Kwon, Ballet Class, H36.9x72.6x70.2cm, F.R.P Urethane, Pigment Hand Painted, 2016
윤병락 YOON Byung-Rock, 가을향기 - 공존, 129.5x60cm, Oil on Korean paper, 2017
윤병락 YOON Byung-Rock, 녹색 위에 붉은사과, 129x60cm, Oil on Korean paper, 2017
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