Kim, Tschang-Yeul
Kim, Tschang-Yeul
김창열, 물방울, Water drops, 116.7x90.9cm, 캔버스에 모래&오일, Sand and Oil on canvas
김창열, 물방울, Water drops, 162x97cm, 캔버스에 모래&오일, Sand and Oil on canvas, 2009
김창열, 회귀, Recurrence, 50x72.5cm, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 2010
김창열, 회귀, Recurrence, 72.8x60.6cm, Oil on canvas, 2003
김창열, 회귀, Recurrence, 91x116.5cm, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 2010
김창열, 회귀, Recurrence, 162x130cm, Acrylic and oil on canvas, 2011
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